Sunday, September 14, 2008

Moving Day!

Well, I finally figured out some things about Wordpress so we're going to move back over there for a while. I'm sorry to jump around so much on our wonderful readers...but believe me, it's all for YOU! We're trying to find the best place to land right now (the place that you will most enjoy visiting) and Word Press seems to be prettier with more options.

Let me know what you think, and if you absolutely hate change (like i do) speak up and let me know about it. We can always come back to dear old blogger. Oh dear, do we have commitment issues or what? :)

Click here for a link
The New Blog

There you will find pictures of the lovely Erika (our first senior photos for the year)

Also, many of you who are considering us for a wedding have been asking to see what an entire wedding looks like. I think that Jake and Michelle's would be a great example. Go to the website, select client viewing, Jake and Michelle, Wedding Day parts 1 and 2.

See you at Word press!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move!